Saturday, January 28, 2012

Week 3: The Paper Game

After the long break from class due to the MLK Holiday, Chase had a great in-class assignment to get us back into the swing of things. It was a group activity called the paper game. The idea is pretty simple but the outcome gets zany. We had 22 people in class so everyone got 22 pieces of paper and made a little book. The first person starts with a random quote or saying then passes it onto the person on their right. Each person has 3 minutes to draw a representation of what was written on the previous page. The booklet is then passed to the person on their right and that person has to figure out what the drawing represents and write something on the third sheet. So the order is write, draw, write, draw, etc. This continues until all 22 sheets have been used. This exercise is great for realizing who is crazy in a group.

I started my book with "Four score and seven years ..."

Parker Dunagan came up with this interpretation of "Four score and seven years..."
Louise Hannah was the 22 person to come up with something. It started with "Four score and seven years..." and ended up with this. Some results in class were hilarious and others were like mine ... amusing at best.

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