Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 1 - In Class: Shape Potential

Chase provided us a sheet of three different shapes that we were to make into something. This was the first class after the winter break and after looking at my work I realize I really should try and stay in the "design mind" while away from school.  Yikes.

 So this guy was based on the triangle shape in the center. I instantly thought of weight lifters and their ill proportioned bodies; large upper body and bird legs. Being completely mental, my mind took it one step further and it became
Andre the Giant ... if he were a clown.

The circle was a perfect opportunity to show off my mental instability by displaying Andre the Giants head (see above) while wearing his newly acquired clown nose.

The final shape was a square and I tried to be a bit more creative with this shape. For some reason I had the idea of a club house for young kids that are too young to see the allure of the opposite sex. The Rascals kept coming to mind.

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